Midnight starts a new year. I am so excited and looking forward to this new year, 2010. 2009 has not been a great year for many reasons... all of which will be talked about later as well as a blog on Christmas. But for this blog, I want to talk about my resolutions for the new year. An acquaintance of mine put on his facebook a slogan for the new year... "Better than its been, 2010" and I am so hoping for that.
So for my resolutions:
- Work out and eat better. And with this is the usual "lose weight" but that should be a given. Really I just want to get into a workout routine and learn not to eat junk! And chill on the sodas. I was doing great until the last couple weeks of this year.
- Not be afraid to say what's on my mind/stand up for myself. And for more detail, I will probably talk about this in a later post. But really I am so scared of hurting people's feelings that mine always get so torn apart and hurt... or people just don't care enough to see that so maybe if I stand up for myself, my feelings won't get hurt as much.
- Find more time for myself and my husband. I need to find time for me... and for me and him. Date nights maybe??
- Be happy! Pretty simple right?
- Learn something new and fun or take a class that would be out of the ordinary. Maybe I will start learning sign language soon or take a cooking class.
- Start selling some of my crafts. I don't know if this will really happy or what not but it would be cool and fun.
- Tell my family and friends how much they mean to me. I'm sure my family knows it but sometimes my friends... I'm a little scared they don't know what they mean to me. And I really want to be better friends with some of them but would feel silly telling them that.
- Have the best and most fun & educational year with Jake. He is growing so fast and learning just as quick so I want to be able to remember and enjoy each day and milestone with him. He's so awesome.
- Make this year memorable. I want to take a ton of pictures and make tons of memories. I want to take a trip with my little family and have many girls night with my friends. I just want this year to be great!
So let's get my list started, huh? Well I guess I have until midnight to do that. HAHA I hope to hear all of your resolutions. And soon, I will give a full update of December. I have been slacking and will pick back up on it. HAHA
Until next time, have a great one... and Happy New Year! Be safe and have a ball!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
On the Eve...
I cannot believe tomorrow is Christmas! I will have such a great update after that. Lil man will be enjoying it this year too! YAY!
This week has been... hard. It has just basically sucked. But tomorrow is Christmas and it should be fun... for the most part. We shall see.
So... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope it's amazing.
Until next time, have a good one!
This week has been... hard. It has just basically sucked. But tomorrow is Christmas and it should be fun... for the most part. We shall see.
So... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! And I hope it's amazing.
Until next time, have a good one!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Bellagio AND Gingerbread
This weekend has been a fun one, let me tell you!
Friday night, we headed to the Bellagio Conservatory with my best friend, Kerry and her man, Peter. It was so beautiful. First we stopped to get some food at Mac Grill. Kerry got some cute pictures of Jake.
We then headed to the conservatory. He looks so thrilled huh?
Here we are! There were thousands of poinsettias
In front of the giant Christmas tree
My hair cooperating beautifully. HA!
I think this rocking horse was my favorite. It was so neat.
Kerry and Peter!!!!!! YAY!
There were also Reindeer made out of pecans and polars... each made out of 30,000+ carnation flowers!
Saturday, Jake and I went Christmas shopping with Judy, a tradition that has gone on for as long as I can remember. 15 years at least, I'd say.
Sunday, after a long day of errands and other activities, we went to U-Swirl with our friends, Jake's best friends Jake and Emily and their parents. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been watching those babies playing on those couches. It's hilarious and could possibly be a short movie. HAHA
Then we came home and made a Gingerbread Village. I even got Jimmy to help build!
Starting the village.. we had to taste everything to make sure it was good.

Building away! Jake eating candy..

Building away! Jake eating candy..
Mr. Innocent. HAHA
And this is my favorite. He picked up the phone and started to have his own little conversation on it. So I added a caption...
Once Jake started to eat the village (okay, so I gave him the piece) I took video. It's cute and at the end a little dancin'... oh and the finished village!
Well until next time, have a good one!
Monday, December 7, 2009
November is already over??
WOW! I am really slacking here with keeping my blog updated... but the good news is that the updates are HUGE! HAHA
First, I had to post this video. I think it is just dang hilarious! We were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and since Jake LOVES dancing, I thought I'd try to get a video of him dancing... But got this cute video instead.
And now I should probably do a little bit of an update of my little man...

Jake is getting so big! He learns something every day I swear! He is a total chatter box, though you can't really make out anything he says quite yet. He has discovered and can (usually) point out his belly button (or yours!), his nose and eyes! He also learned how to climb up his slide and go down by himself. He has become daring and tries to go down any way possible. He has figured out pretty much how to kiss and will usually do so when asked. He has learned how to play peek-a-boo and he makes the most crazy adorable facial expressions ever (wonder where he gets that from)! He also loves to talk on anything that looks like a phone and will cuddle daily with Patches (against her will). He has started to walk backward (weird!?) and spin in circles. His independence is growing every day! I'm so excited! There are so many other amazing milestones he has crossed but I just can't think of them.
Over Thanksgiving, we went up to my mom's in Layton. I didn't get too many pictures... EEK! But it was a great time. We played a million hands of skit-skat and had some great food.
Saturday, we had family pictures done (and I can't wait to see them) then after dinner, Brock, Alicia, Atley, Madison, Jimmy, Jake and I headed over to Temple Square to see the lights. They decorate all the trees in the square and have a manger scene displayed. It was so beautiful. It was extremely cold so we all had to bundle up. It took us a good 5 minutes to get Jake's gloves, jacket, hat and blanket on him so he wouldn't freeze. He was not happy about all the extra layers (but I know he would appreciate them if he felt the cold). As we started walking, I looked down and noticed... he fell asleep!

Poor boy didn't get to enjoy any of the lights. I guess those layers were comfy after all!
There was this gorgeous statue of Jesus. I don't even know how tall it was... at least 15 feet, I'd say. So pretty!

Outside, I of course had to take some pictures... even if Jake was asleep. Here is me and him!

Daddy and Jake

Maddie and I.... I have the strangest sister huh? HAHA In every picture, either her or I were making a funny face! HAHA


Brock, Alicia and Atley

Our little fam!

Maddie admiring the lights.

And finally, on Saturday was my birthday! Yes, that's right... I'm getting old! Sad I know! Friday night I was able to spend my birthday with my amazing friends at a bar. It was a great time. 
And Jimmy even made me a cake! It was so delicious. I think we have a new Betty in the family! (Maybe we can call him Barney?!?! HAHAHAHA)
First, I had to post this video. I think it is just dang hilarious! We were watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and since Jake LOVES dancing, I thought I'd try to get a video of him dancing... But got this cute video instead.
And now I should probably do a little bit of an update of my little man...
Jake is getting so big! He learns something every day I swear! He is a total chatter box, though you can't really make out anything he says quite yet. He has discovered and can (usually) point out his belly button (or yours!), his nose and eyes! He also learned how to climb up his slide and go down by himself. He has become daring and tries to go down any way possible. He has figured out pretty much how to kiss and will usually do so when asked. He has learned how to play peek-a-boo and he makes the most crazy adorable facial expressions ever (wonder where he gets that from)! He also loves to talk on anything that looks like a phone and will cuddle daily with Patches (against her will). He has started to walk backward (weird!?) and spin in circles. His independence is growing every day! I'm so excited! There are so many other amazing milestones he has crossed but I just can't think of them.
Over Thanksgiving, we went up to my mom's in Layton. I didn't get too many pictures... EEK! But it was a great time. We played a million hands of skit-skat and had some great food.
Saturday, we had family pictures done (and I can't wait to see them) then after dinner, Brock, Alicia, Atley, Madison, Jimmy, Jake and I headed over to Temple Square to see the lights. They decorate all the trees in the square and have a manger scene displayed. It was so beautiful. It was extremely cold so we all had to bundle up. It took us a good 5 minutes to get Jake's gloves, jacket, hat and blanket on him so he wouldn't freeze. He was not happy about all the extra layers (but I know he would appreciate them if he felt the cold). As we started walking, I looked down and noticed... he fell asleep!
Poor boy didn't get to enjoy any of the lights. I guess those layers were comfy after all!
There was this gorgeous statue of Jesus. I don't even know how tall it was... at least 15 feet, I'd say. So pretty!
Outside, I of course had to take some pictures... even if Jake was asleep. Here is me and him!
Daddy and Jake
Maddie and I.... I have the strangest sister huh? HAHA In every picture, either her or I were making a funny face! HAHA
Brock, Alicia and Atley
Our little fam!
Maddie admiring the lights.
I loved this tree! it was so neat.
The boys hanging out in the backyard before we left on Sunday.
Being back home, I have been busy! Last week I decorated my house for Christmas (pictures to come soon) and made this wreath! It cost less than $10! WoOOooo!
And finally, on Saturday was my birthday! Yes, that's right... I'm getting old! Sad I know! Friday night I was able to spend my birthday with my amazing friends at a bar. It was a great time.
My boys got the other two parts to my "Rock Band Nutcracker" set... (I got the girl last year) and I just LOVE them!

And Jimmy even made me a cake! It was so delicious. I think we have a new Betty in the family! (Maybe we can call him Barney?!?! HAHAHAHA)
And this was the end of our night... our tired little boy didn't want to get a picture taken.

So there ya have it! An update of the past couple weeks. Now I will try and keep this thing MORE updated! Coming soon will be pictures of our decorated Christmas house (how is it that time already?) and the pictures from the family photo shoot in Layton. I'm so excited to see them!
Well until next time, have a good one!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
2 weeks later...
I have been MIA, I know. But I'm back now with a super long post. Happy? HAHA
Me and Jake playing with thunder sticks
Jake meeting The Duck. He didn't really like him at first, then started to pet him. HAHA

Autumn, Mike and Jake after the game.

Players... Might be Mike, but not 100% sure

Jake and my dad on the bridge

Jake looking at the water on the bridge. Yes, I went on the bridge too... and I HATED every second!

Jake checkin' out Harper

Me, Jake and Kaylee
After the park, we headed to an apple orchard and picked apples. It was a LOT of fun! Here are a few pictures...
And in other news. Here are some pretty funny pictures that I just wanted to throw in here because they are hilarious.
Last week, Jimmy, Jake and I met Autumn at the Wrangler's hockey game to watch Mike's first game back. Jake LOVED it! He danced a ton to the music, loved to watch the guys skate and just had a blast.
Here's Jimmy and Jake playing "chuck-a-puck" and they almost won!!!
Me and Jake playing with thunder sticks
Jake meeting The Duck. He didn't really like him at first, then started to pet him. HAHA
Autumn, Mike and Jake after the game.
Players... Might be Mike, but not 100% sure
Last weekend, Jake and I headed up to Utah to see my dad and step mom. It was so fun and nice to get away and have a mini-vacation. Saturday we went to Springdale for some lunch then went to a park to get some pictures.
Here's Randy, Robyn, Kaylee and Harper
Jake and my dad on the bridge
Jake looking at the water on the bridge. Yes, I went on the bridge too... and I HATED every second!
Jake checkin' out Harper
Me, Jake and Kaylee
After the park, we headed to an apple orchard and picked apples. It was a LOT of fun! Here are a few pictures...
Jake examining his apple. He did get to eat one and it took him about an hour and still it wasn't gone. He was playing during that time too but still! Hilarious though to see him bite into it.
Jake and my dad looking for some apples
Such a good weekend.
And in other news. Here are some pretty funny pictures that I just wanted to throw in here because they are hilarious.
Friday night we were putting away Halloween (I know! Almost 2 week later HAHA) and as I was wrapping stuff, I heard Jimmy say "What are you doing?" When I looked over, Jake was standing on one of the boxes! HILARIOUS! Now, don't think we are bad parents because he has no pants and only one sock AND standing on a box... we were right there and he took his own sock off. As for the pants, he ran after a diaper change. I did let him stand on the box until Jimmy got the camera and took a couple shots. Then I got him down and we watched as he tried to do it again, then put the box away. He's crazy!
Jake was eating a sucker from Halloween and it turned his lips BLUE!!! These are just cute pictures so I wanted to show them off. Sooo cute and looking a little like... a rockstar! HAHA
Well there ya go. Some updates on our life! FINALLY!!!! I will try not to slack anymore but I can't guarantee that. Oh! Jimmy and I also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary last Wednesday! I got some gorgeous flowers and last night we went to dinner and to see "So You Think You Can Dance" tour. Amazing! BUT sadly, not pictures.
So until next time, have a good one!
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