Sometimes life rushes right by you without you even noticing. There seems like no time to appreciate what you have, the special people in your life and just the fact that you are alive. Things happen all the time to give you a little slap in the face.
I have been admittedly in a funk for the last couple weeks. I cannot pin point what it is all about. I think I am in need of a vacation! Part of me thinks it is a lack of sleep. Lil man has been getting up multiple times a night so I feel like a new mom again! I know he is only 9 months, so technically I am still a new mom... but I mean a new mom with a week old baby. On top of that, he is all over the place and wearing me down. I get so frustrated sometimes that I forget to just look at him and think how lucky I am to have this incredible little boy in my life that has changed me so much, for the better.
Tonight he was screaming (overly tired) and I could just feel my blood boiling and my eyes roll. I got him in his
PJs, he kissed Daddy good-night and we headed to his bedroom for some milk and rocking. As soon as we sat down and cuddled into each other, my heart just skipped a beat and I instantly felt bad because I was so frustrated at nothing!!! He's 9 months old and he's tired! I need to grow up, I swear. It's humorous how much mom's blame themselves for their very
legitimate feelings because while any sane person will tell you, I'm still a good mom, no matter how frustrated I got, because EVERY mom gets frustrated. I just need to remember to calm down and appreciate every little second, cry, hug, snuggle, kiss, everything with my Jacob, my son!
Another slap this week was my mom. Not that she slapped me
HAHA but she did get some bad news, but got through it. She's such a strong person and I admire her so much. Life is just so unexpected that you just cannot take it for granted.
Working out and soda drinking have not been going well for me either these last couple weeks. Maddie was in town and we were on the go. Since she has been gone, we have been
movin' non-stop and the more tired I get and lazy I get, the more I crave soda. SO I need to get back on track. Easier said than done, BUT I did it before and will start it again. Fingers crossed.
Today, Jimmy and I have been together for 6 years! Incredible, huh? He's such a sweet husband and helps make some pretty awesome kids. Okay, well kid... I'm sure the rest will be just as awesome though. It's been such a great and exciting 6 years. Gone by way too fast! We have almost been married 3 years and Lil man is almost a year. Holy hell, where has the time gone?!?!
Well I have just been rambling on and on about nothing really, but I needed a little venting type post. So thanks for reading, if you did. Off to bed for me and hopefully a little better outlook and calm life tomorrow. Love to you all!!!!