Monday, August 24, 2009

2 for the price of o.n.e...

I figured I should do a quick update. Not a whole lot has been going on. I have been working my butt off trying to get all the decorations for Jake's party together. I just have a couple more things to do. BUT today, I was trying to find some of the items and ::POOF:: they are gone. Where are they? Being that my house has been slightly neglected lately, they could be anywhere. That drives me nuts though because I know I put them in this special box and they are no longer there. Did lil man get a hold of them? Am I going to find them wrapped in a blanket, under the couch, covered in a pile of toys? WHO knows. Not I! So please, wish me luck in finding them as I do not want to re-do them.

Also, Jake has been doing sooooo good with walking. I got another video.

He's getting so big.

Jake has been so attached to his Daddy lately (nice little break from momma hehe). He follows him around, wants to be with him, barks at the dogs with him, and pretty much will ignore me at times. Too cute.

Well like I said, nothing too interesting has been going on. So sorry for the short and not too entertaining post. HAHA Until next time, have a good day!
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So the first half of this was done Thursday I believe and I couldn't find the video so I had to postpone publishing it... but now I have a little bit of updates.

Yesterday was the last day I breastfed Jake. And honestly, I'm a little sad. In the long run, it will help because he might not be as attached to me. Initially, I didn't want to breastfeed at all! Not even a little. Then my aunt said to try it, just for a month! Just make the chances of him getting RSV less and after that month, you can quit. So I did as she asked. At first, it was a little hard. My baby was jaundice, yellow as a banana! NO joke... here is a picture.

He even had to be a glow worm for a little minute, using a bili-blanket to get better. Too cute, though under bad circumstances.

The doctor was discouraging... "You should have supplemented"... I was told not to supplement, my milk had JUST come in. And OMG, did it ever come in. I have thought about getting a boob job before... but I had NEVER pictured myself with boobs that big. They got HUGE! HAHA And sore. But after pumping and getting my little boy back to normal human color, we got a handle on the situation and my little man was drinkin' milk with the best of them. The month past, and I figured "I'll just get him through the winter and RSV really won't creep up on him." Out of the winter I thought "Okay, just to 6 months" then "Okay, a year!" But with recent activity of him wanting to be surgically attached to me so I wouldn't be out of his sight, I figured it was a good time to stop. And he has done brilliantly throughout the change. Me? Not as great. Mainly just sad... no more of that special bond. BUT I have come to realize, there will be so many different and exciting ways for us to bond, memories that I will cherish and moments that will help my sadness. Every day is a moment for me if I can be his Momma.

I finished all but 2 things for Jake's birthday. I'm so happy how they turned out. Better than I imagined, which for me is HUGE. I get really down on myself if something turns out different than I wanted it too. But that is life, and I'm slowly trying to get use to that. HAHA

On a personal update... I have still been neglecting myself with no working out and not a very good diet. Last night at 11 pm (LATE and after dinner) I weighed myself on Wii and was beyond disappointed when I saw I had gained... more than I had expected. I'm really sick of the whole weight crap... Why is it such a big deal? I know it is ONLY in my head, but sometimes I think I am so much MORE happy around Jake because I know he loves me no matter what because he doesn't know what fat, skinny, tall, short, appearance BS is. I feel secure around him more so than anyone else. Weird! I was thinking about that last night in bed and thought "This ISN'T good. Be happy, feel good! People love you! Your husband, son, mom, dad, sister, brother, friends, family... they ALL LOVE you!" So I relaxed and went to sleep. Then this morning, I re-weighed myself and actually didn't gain as much as Wii wanted me to believe I did last night. So I got a little hip in my step and started to clean my much neglected house. Life is finally starting to become un-crazy, un-cluttered, and normal again. Phew! HAHA

Well until next time, Have a good day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

He did what??

This is going to be a rather full post... mainly because I have a couple videos to go with it.

Today was a good day. Today Jake took his first steps!!!!!!!!! It was great. Jimmy was playing with Jake and was trying to get him to walk and he did!

I got just a short video but after this, he took at least 3 steps at a time. It was AWESOME! YAY!

Then, the other night Jake was extremely hyper before bed. He was on the couch and just jumping back and forth going crazy. It was hilarious! I got a video of that too!

And another video. HAHA Jake is barking at the dogs who are outside. You have to really pay attention, but he does bark! (don't mind the dogs going to the bathroom, LOL)

Finally, thank you all for your advice. I am doing my best to not escalate the situation and I think I'm doing pretty well. Tonight, Jake ate excellent, even some of his fruits and veggies!

And a shout out to Karan, HI Karan!!! :) Just wanted to let you all know, I will be posting pictures of the projects I am doing for Jake's birthday... but it won't be until Jake's birthday as I don't want to ruin the surprise. Besides my husband and myself, there is one other person who knows what the decorations are going to be (I think?!?!! HAHA) and I have to swear her to secrecy. I want it to be a big surprise. I finished one project today and I'm very happy with how it turned out. :)

Well hope you enjoyed the videos. I know there are a ton. HAHA

Friday, August 7, 2009

This, that and the other

Jake doesn't eat. It's driving me crazy. The end.

HAHA okay, really. I need help, or advice, or someone to just listen because right now as a parent, I have NO idea what to do.

I am trying desperately to get Jake off baby food... completely! He still gets yogurt and applesauce, but I don't consider those baby food. For the past couple days now, I have tried to feed Jake what we are having for dinner. He wants nothing to do with it. He tastes it, spits it out and throws the rest of it on the floor, sometimes chucking it across the room. Lunches he is doing a little better with but still not to the standard that I hope for. I know that he will not let himself starve, but what do I do? He still gets his milk... is that enough? He doesn't get snacks if he doesn't eat well and I usually don't give him anything other than what is being served for dinner. I'm not going to start making 5 different dinners just so he'll eat a bite of each. Is it his teeth? Does he not have a big appetite? Damn, parenting is difficult sometimes. So anyone, please weigh in on this.

On a much more exciting note, this week has presented itself with some awesome shopping experiences. I received coupons in the mail for Babies R Us which could be used for car seats. Since that is what we are buying Jake for his birthday, I figured it would be a perfect time to go get the car seats and save some moola! In the coupon pack, there was a 15% off any car seat and a 15% off any item in the store. So we go, pick out our car seats and one is $160 that reclines and is rated highly. The other is $60 (for our back-up car seat) and was rated highly but didn't have as many features. We also got some baby shower gifts and Jake needed some new sippy cups. I noticed there was a coupon for the cups as well; buy one, get one 50% off. We get to the counter to check out, give her all my coupons and she asks if I want to sign up for a B.R.U credit card and I could save an additional 20% if approved today. Sure, why not give it a try. APPROVED! Sweet! So after all was said and done, two car seats, baby shower gifts and cups later, we spent under $200 because... I save $66!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!

THEN I went to Michael's yesterday to pick up something and had no intention of getting anything for Jake's party (I'm making all the decorations). Since I'm in the most amazing store ever, I decide to go down the clearance aisle because it was right next to the item I needed. I look down and there are these huge bags with 100s of pipe cleaners, googly eyes, pompoms and all that stuff for $4! Yes, stuff that would probably cost at least $30 are only $4! And the idea for the party hats pops into my head so I have to get them. Then there was a lady in the aisle looking for some scrapbooking paper book and finds it, then proceeds to tell me how cute the book it. I look at another copy of it and what does it have in it? Paper that I have been looking high and low for to help with the party decorations! And it was on clearance! Fate, I tell you! I was seriously freaking out about a couple things for Jake's party and those two items just sealed all the necessary items I need to get all my projects for his party done. I am so excited.

Well I'm off to bed now. Sleep sweet my reader friends and all you fellow bloggers.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What motivation?

So it's a new month and as I said, I would update you all on my progress of weight loss.

Update: BAD!

Maddie came into town. We worked out some but I didn't do too good. We went on vacation, soda went out the window and I drank like a fish, and didn't work out. We came home and Maddie came back with us. I still drank like a fish (just not as bad) and did some work outs but not too many because we were BUSY with I don't even know what.

Good news is that I didn't really gain any weight, just didn't lose any. Sucks to be me... or really sucks to be me with NO motivation. If I set my mind to it, I can do it. But is my mind set to it? At this exact moment? Nope. My mind is on Jake's B-Day party, all the things I have going on and most definitely not on working out. Yes, I know I am the queen of excuses. Anyone that knows me should know that. SOOO there you go. My monthly update of a not to great month. I guess I will end it there.

Good night and let's find that motivation!