This past year has gone by so fast, I can't even believe it. I swear he was just this tiny little yellow thing that would just sleep all the time. But when I look at him after blinking for a minute to focus back on reality, I see he is a walking, jabbering little guy who either wants to play completely by himself, or just cuddle with you for a minute. So sweet.
We got his 1 year pictures done and they turned out so great.

On other blogs, I have noticed at milestones parents list the things their kids are doing... so I thought I'd hope on that bandwagon.
Now that Jake is one, he...
- Can walk totally
- Barks like a dog
- Is completely obsessed with dogs
- And music (and will dance)
- And Balls
- Will walk right up and kiss and cuddle with you
- Waves all the time
- Flirts like crazy
- Knows when he is funny and tries to keep people laughing at him
- Likes to brush his own hair AND teeth
- Loves his slide and will go down by himself
- Is obsessed with water
- Loves his fruits and likes his veggies (Wooo!)
- Moody and cranky and has started throwing fits... HAHA
- Has a couple very distinct "Jake" looks
- Is so much like his father, it's insane!
- Somehow knows to be more gentle with girls than with boys
- Will sleep completely on top of me if given the chance
- Knows how to turn on Jimmy's alarm clock so he can listen to the music
- Knows how to turn on/off the computer
- Knows there are certain buttons on the printer to get a piece of paper out
- Does "Smooches" if you ask him too (puckers up lips)
- Says some words, but not a ton
And a million other things. Every day he gets smarter and more entertaining to watch.
On his birthday, Jake and I went over to my aunt's to swim, followed by lunch at Wendy's and then a nap before Daddy got home. Once he woke up from his nap, he opened his gifts from us.

Then off to Olive Garden we went. He flirted with everyone, I swear! Then it was cake time at home. It was pretty late by that point that he didn't really enjoy his cake at all.

Saturday was his birthday party. It was finally here. I worked on the decorations for that dang party since July!!!! Here is how it was set up. The theme was "Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails"
Photo Banner

Table with Food

Snakes for the doors
"1" photo holders

Cake Table

It was such a great day and our little boy got so spoiled! Thank you all for coming!
And thanks for reading this extremely long blog. Until next time, have a good one!