Sunday, February 14, 2010

My valentine

I was reading my cousin's blog and she had a brilliant idea of posting a blog about her and her valentine (her hubby); how they met, got engaged, etc. So for this wonderful holiday I thought I'd do the same!
"Once in a while, right in the middle of ordinary life, LOVE gives us a fairy tale."

Jimmy and I have known each other for a very long time. I met him when I was in 6th grade, he was a freshman in high school and became best friends with my brother. I never thought of him as anything more than my brother's friend.
Nothing ever happened and I never thought about Jimmy that way ever until the day he asked me out. Even a year before he did, he was best man at my brother's wedding...

And I was the maid of honor.
Sometime the night of their wedding, Jimmy and I were paired up to dance and he made a comment to Brock "Look! I can still be in your family!" I had a big eye roll after that comment.
Throughout the next couple of months, Jimmy was deployed with the Air Force and he was no where in my thoughts besides the occasional "Jimmy's in Iraq" from Alicia, my sister in law, during a class we took together. Upon his return, he stopped by my parent's house to say hello. He was pretty close when them being that he knew them for about 5 or 6 years at that point. My mom tried bargaining with me to ask him out to dinner, $100 I think it was! I was quick to say no. Hello!?! My brother's best friend. I don't think so!
Then after several other awkward encounters and still no thought in my mind for anything to happen, I get a phone call from him asking me on our first official date.
A short 8 months later, I moved in with him and we started throwing fun parties.

He came with me to company parties.

We started getting a little too comfy and crazy with each other.
Starting participating in each other's hobbies.
And he even took family pictures with my family.
Three years later, during a vacation to Florida, he proposed. And let me tell you, it's a hilarious story, from the airport to the actual proposal day. Airport security was involved, I almost caused jimmy to fall into water during a canoeing trip (ring in his pocket) AFTER he had us go so far in the other/wrong direction. Geez! It's a story for another time really. But once on the beach and at sunset, he got down on a knee.

We were married 11 months later on Nov. 11, 2006

And we survived the first year! Though he tried to bully me out of the shot!

Almost two years later, we had our wonderful little man, Jake!

And though it hasn't always been easy or perfect, we are still going strong with our amazing little family and good times, memories and so much love.

So Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you got to share it with someone/something you love! As long as you had a great day.
Until next time, have a good one!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Love me

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I am so excited. I have two Valentines this year, my sweet husband and my amazing son. YAY! Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Not because of the sparkly gifts and flowers & candy, but because it's a day specializing in letting the person you love know you love them. My favorite thing to receive is a heartfelt note/card from my hubby. Best gift ever I think!

I saw on a post on "All the weigh" (very inspiring woman writing that blog by the way) about lovable qualities in herself she did for Valentine's Day and I thought I'd take that on myself!

1) I can craft my butt off! I might get some inspiration from the Internet, but I think overall I'm pretty crafty.

2) I'm caring and kind. Even to a stranger, I will smile and say hello, ask how their day is, etc. Smiling goes a long way and I try to brighten someone's day a little.

3) I don't let most holidays pass by without sending love and gifts to people I love. And while it might be a little gift, I still like to let people know I'm thinking about them.

4) I have an awesome son who makes me an awesome mom! He comes to me for support, comfort, fun, food (haha) whatever and I know I can help him with whatever he needs. We have a bond that is so surreal (like I'm sure most mothers and children) but it makes me feel awesome!

5) I have applied myself to working out and have really stuck to it for a month. I've been dedicated (though whiny at times) and gotten a lot further. I have been able to push myself!

6) I have beautiful eyes! I really do love my eyes.

7) I have, after some struggle, become a pretty damn good housewife! I cook almost every night, including a vegetable! And my house stays clean... maybe cluttered with toys but hey! A 1 year old lives here! haha

8) I'm a great wife! I am supportive, understanding and madly in love with my husband.

9) I listen to my friends and try my best to help, not judge or give my opinion if asked. I try to be there for my friends no matter what.

10) I am extremely open-minded, at least I think! Almost any topic, I can see and understand all different views, even if it is not what I want in my life.

11) I have some funny passions that I love to talk about but hey! It's me! (A few of you might know what I'm talking about here... others, I'm not sure. Just know I wanted to be a "specific" psychologist when I grew up haha)

12) I'm really starting to like to person, wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend I am and will become. For me, that's huge.

So, there ya go. A couple of things I love about myself. Tomorrow will be another LOVE blog so be prepared.

Until next time, have a good one!

Monday, February 1, 2010

This, that and the other...

So I'm trying something new... for a couple weeks. I joined weight watchers. Been on it for 2 days and I think it's actually been going okay. It's a little harder than I thought and really helps open my eyes to watch what I eat and the crap I have been eating. But since mid-January, Jimmy and I had been eating better anyway, so this is just an extra boost to help. I know I won't drop 20 pounds in a month and I'm okay with that! It didn't just jump on my body over night, those 20 pounds came on gradually and will come off gradually.

Also, in my workout I started to run 2 minutes (walking 5 for a total of 21 mins) and that was a little hard. BUT I am doing it. Not giving up! Fingers are crossed that it gets better.

This week is sign-ups for Jake's classes and I cannot wait! I'm so excited to start them with him! Oh! Last Monday, we started to watch a sign language video that my mom bought Jake for Christmas and he already knows 5 new signs! He picked them up SOOO fast! I was amazed! He's so smart.

Lately, he has been crazy about playing Wii with Jimmy! Which, I have to admit, I like. It gives me a break from him and gives him "guy time". HAHA I will take a video. It's HILARIOUS!

Well anyway, that's all for now. Just wanted to go a quick update. Until next time, have a good one!