This holiday is one of my favorite holidays, and has always been! It's a day to express your love for someone and just seems to bring peace to my world.
This morning I was reading love essays on MSN from different writers. They weren't saying which Valentine's day was the most romantic and what not, but why they love their spouse or different romantic things their spouse has done. And it got me thinking about all the amazing things my husband has done for me and the reasons I love him.

I was trying to think of the most romantic and cute thing he has done for me and there are just so many that I couldn't pick just one. There's the time I came home from school to rose petals leading to a candle lit chili dog dinner (one of my favorite meals). Or the time when he sent me on a scavengar hunt through our house for little trinkets he knows I love, but he hates because it just adds to our clutter. Or when he planned our 1 year anniversary weekend that was just unforgettable. Or driving me to the grocery store at 11pm to buy ice cream, brownies and gummi bears when I was pregnant. Or all the cute things he will say to me. Or things he will do for me. And I just hope with all my heart he knows what an amazing husband he is.
And to top it off... He's just as amazing as a father. And this year we are blessed to have the greatest Valentine Ever... our Jake!
I couldn't ask for a better day, a better family or a more perfect love than I have for my boys.
So Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you spend it with someone you love!