Those things are my favorite. Then we went to Babies R Us... that place is dangerous for moms! I could buy everything in there, but then I'm sure my husband would disappear... HAHA
Jake also has been rolling over from back to stomach! It just started out of the blue. He was arching his back and then ::BAM:: he's over! Everytime a camera is around though, he gets too interested in trying to see what's going on with that then rolling over. So I have YET to get it on film.
Friday, I had a doctor's appt. to check out my wrist. It has been bothering me for a couple months now, so I finally went in. They couldn't find anything wrong with it but I get to wear this cool brace and have to get an MRI this Thursday... joy, joy! I just hope nothing too serious is wrong with it. BLAH!
This weekend was pretty exciting! We went and visited Grandpa Curt and Grandma Dawn Ann! Jake was a little grouchy so he wouldn't roll over for them, but after finally calming down, he was able to let me snap some photos.

Sunday, Cousin Jayden came over. We built a fort under the pool table, watched Wall-E and took some naps. Nana Crystal came by for a visit too! All in all, it was a pretty great week/weekend, though it was busy.
Those photo booth pictures are a crack up! I LOVE them :) I love watching Jakey grow, he's getting so big and smart! Rolling over AND letting auntie Kerry hold him without freakin out! :)