I am very thankful for my beautiful mother.
My mom has always been such an inspiration to me. She has gone through so much in your life and fought graciously through it all. Growing up, we were not friends. Now though, I can honestly call her one of my very best friends. I know I can call her anytime, anywhere and get advice or just a chat. She has done so much for my family and has supported me throughout my life non-stop. She also treats all her kids as a "favorite", leaving all of us confident that we are her favorite. It has caused a couple discussions amongst us kids (but they know I'm the fave). HAHA She's very loving and sweet with her grandchildren too. I'm very thankful to have a mother like her, to be able to model and strive to be as I have become a mom and woman. Thank you Mom!
I'm so thankful for my sweet step-mom.
Dawn Ann came into my life when I was younger, around 5 or 6. It took a while for our relationship to grow into the great place it is now. It is always so much fun when we get to visit with her and my dad during vacations. It's such a fun time to be able to talk and get to know each other more and more. When I was younger, I remember going to get my ears pierced with her and she was so calming. She still has that about her. She also is so great with her grandchildren. Each of them have a very special place in her heart it seems. We are all very lucky to have her in our life. Thank you Dawn Ann!
I'm thankful for my great mother-in-law.
Crystal has been a very great mother and mother-in-law. She raised Jimmy to be a spectacular man and supported him and us through so much. She welcomed me into her family and been so good to me ever since. She works hard for her family and struggled through many obstacles, always becoming a stronger woman. She is so good with her grand-boys (we need a girl already! HAHA) and loves to be around them. She has always tried to make family first and show her love in so many ways. Thank you Crystal!
To all my moms, I love, adore, cherish and hold you very dear to my heart. I'm so happy to be your daughter and learn so much from each of you as I grow as a mother. You are all very wonderful. Thank you for always being there when I needed you and for my family.