I'm very thankful for my sweet husband!
He is just a great guy. He's always so good to Jake and I. He works hard so Jake and I can stay home together. He helps out when needed, lends an ear when I need to vent or just talk, gives great hugs and kisses for no reason at all and spoils us rotten. He's strong, smart, sweet, supportive, handsome, silly and such a great husband and father. I'm so thankful to have a husband who will protect and provide for his family under any needs and loves us unconditionally. I love him with so much heart and soul!
I'm very thankful to be the mother of this wonderful little boy!
Jake is such a gift to me. He's taught me so much more than he will ever understand. He taught me what it is to be a mother; he taught me appreciation for my parents; he's taught me to look at the world different and to look at myself differently. He's my favorite little buddy and friend. We always have such a blast together (when he isn't getting into trouble). I'm so happy I get to be the lucky person (along with Jimmy of course) who can call him my son. I'm very thankful to be able to be trusted to guide and help him through his life. It is so humbling to have him with in my life forever. I love him more than words can explain!
What a fun idea! :) And those boys are thankful for you, more than you could know!