Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Takin' it back

Jimmy and I went bowling (along with a little dinner and bingo) a while back and it was a blast! It was nice to take it back old school and act like we were in high school. HAHA Really just act young again. We had a lot of fun together.
The first game... check out the score.
Half way through, I was WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then I found good ole gutter and my ball like to go in there. So I lost. But only by about 4 points!
Jimmy then had to step up his game. Mr. Pro Bowler now!

And my "I'm getting sick and tired of lifting this 8 pound ball!" throw. haha

And by game 3, I was REALLY losing.

Notice how inconsistent I am. A strike then 4 gutter balls! What's that!?!?!
Ahh well. It sure was a fun night and we still had a great time. Gotta love that man!


  1. You're looking awesome! Are you still doing weight watchers? I can tell that it's working for look amazing!

  2. Fun date night! I havent bowled in SO long! I'm always so bad! haha. Was Geisha good?
