My baby is 2! At the end of Sept. Jake turned 2. Yes, it was over a month ago and I'm just now posting but hey! I'm doing it. Anyway, for his actual birthday we were in Vegas, but the weekend before we left, we had a bbq at a park to celebrate.
My mom, step dad, brother, sister in law, niece, sister and her boyfriend all joined us. We played some games and a couple of people fished. Jimmy and I bought Jake a basketball hoop for his birthday that we took to the park. Jake LOVES it. He even made the very first shot. We fed some ducks, played frisbee and a beanbag game.

Then we ate and Jake opened his gifts. (Not going to post them all) haha

Then we were Vegas bound. On Jake's actual birthday, we spent the morning at the pool and again in the afternoon once Jimmy got off. (He had to work the whole week.)
Before we left, we enjoyed some cupcakes. Jake really loved his. HAHA
Then we were Vegas bound. On Jake's actual birthday, we spent the morning at the pool and again in the afternoon once Jimmy got off. (He had to work the whole week.)
FINALLY! Pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Jake and Jimmy and his new turned out really cute. Jake looks so happy and excited.
You might have a little basketball star on your hands!