Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My darling boy

My little amazing man,

I cannot believe you are six months old! I love you so much and am proud to be your Momma. In your short life, I have seen you grow so much and I can't wait for what else there is to come. You are my little man!

Soon, you will be walking, running, playing baseball, going to school... graduating college, getting married and having kids of your own. Okay, some of those are a long time from now but still. You are growing up so fast and I am lucky to be able to be around you for all your special moments. I cherish every morning I wake up with you, holding you, kissing and snuggling with you every day. I love that any silly song I make up for you is your favorite song and it will calm you down or make you laugh.

You are the most important person in my life and I'm just crazy about you! I wish you were little forever (because it is so easy to hold and snuggle you right now), but of course I know that so many more adventures will come our way as you grow and I look forward to them. Daddy and I LOVE you VERY much!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Craft

So last night I tackled one of the Easter Crafts that I wanted to do. It turned out pretty cute and it was super easy!

I just wanted to post a picture of it. FUN stuff! I'll have more crafts up soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Llamas and Goats and Donkeys... oh my!!!

UPDATE TIME!!! It's a little long... sorry.

Not too many things have been going on... or so I thought until I realized I haven't updated anyone for a while. So backing up a few days (actually almost a week)...

Thursday, Stephanie called and wanted to get together. So we took the boys to this cute little place called Gillcrease. They have all sorts of animals and I never even knew this was in town! It's pretty exciting to find fun family things in Vegas. HAHA Anyway, after trying to find the place for 20 minutes (we made a U-turn right in front of the place HAHA) we paid and started walking around. Jake took a quick snooze in the truck so he wasn't all the excited at first and just chilled in his stroller.

There were SOOO many birds there- parrots, peacock, pigeons (don't know why?!?), ducks, swans...

We went over to the goat exhibit where you can buy some grain and feed them, but because there was poop everywhere, Jake and I stayed out of the area and let Jayden and Stephanie venture in, and they almost got ran over by all the goats.

We then were able to feed the ducks some peanuts that we bought.

We saw some turtles and then headed over to the llama and donkey area.

Jake and I got there first and as I was trying to feed a llama a peanut, a donkey started hee-hawing SOOO loud. It's startled me a little and scared the ba-geezus out of Jake, who then started screaming back.
Stephanie and Jayden came over and we all made sure the each donkey and llama got a peanut. It was a fun day.

Friday was pretty low key. Jake and I went to have lunch with Kerry and we all did a little shopping. Then Saturday, the family went shopping (again)! We went over to Kohl's and I got a couple shirts! Buying clothes always puts me in a good mood. Jimmy got some things too, and Jake! Then, Crystal watched Jake while Jimmy and I went to get some drinks with a couple of my friends. Sunday, Jake and I ventured over to Michael's for me to grab some materials to start some crafts while Jimmy got a hair cut. I will have pictures of my crafts up soooooon!

And finally, yesterday, Jake and I went to have lunch with my aunt. It was great to see her. She told me Jake was probably old enough for those biter biscuits so last night he got one! He is growing up WAY too fast. Look at him go! He didn't eat it all (daddy finished it off) but he did enjoy the treat.

Well that's all that is going on in our lives. I hope everyone is well and see ya next time!

Wanna a gift?!?!?!

The first five people...to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me.

However there are some limitations:
1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make :)
2. What I create will be just for you
3. It will be done within a year (might take a while)
4. You have no clue what it is going to be
5. I reserve the right to do something really fun

Here the catch: if you choose to do this, you must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.

**Rules for my blog... I have a lot of out of towners so you don't have to post it on your blog... BUT if you do have a blog, you must re-post.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

All about me

I am- trying to find fun crafts to do… and I am pretty incredible
I have- the most amazing baby boy, awesome husband, wonderful family and kick ass friends
I wish- I could hang out with my family or friends all the time, without a care in the world
I miss- being stress-free
I fear- so many things, Miss Scardy cat I am
I feel- imaginative
I hear- silence, baby is sleeping
I smell- nothing really… just lit candles so those soon
I crave- hibachi food and laughs with Jake
I search- google all the time for projects or whatever…
I wonder- what this weekend has in store
I regret- not a whole lot… maybe holding grudges.
I love- Jake, James, my family, friends, Patches…
I care- about so many people
I always- try to stay positive
I am not- looking forward to James going back to work on Monday
I dance- all the time with Jake
I sing- duets with Jake
I don't like- negative thoughts or people
I fight for- what I believe in most of the time.
I write- blogs, notes, lists…
I lose- everything! My keys, phone, husband (in the store HAHA)
I win- sometimes, but lose more HAHA
I never- want someone go without them knowing how much I love them
I listen- to “crazy talker Jake” all the time and LOVE it.
I can- be crafty at times
I am scared- of so many things… remember the scardy cat comment?!?!
I need- hugs from my boys daily
I am happy- with my life, my family, my friends.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This afternoon there was an interesting surprise in front of our house. I was in the back of the house and heard my dog start to freak out, so Jake and I came to the front of the house and I heard a lot of commotion going on. I looked out front and there was a car smoking. Our neighbors were throwing water and God knows what else on it and the smoke just intensified. In my panic, I put Jake on the floor and grab the phone to call 911. They asked if I lived on the street and said they were on their way and just then a cop comes by, talking to my neighbors, saying "Stop throwing stuff on the fire. The gas tank will blow." Of course by this point, I'm FREAKING out! I have my baby RIGHT here! OH! And my windows are open. But I calm down enough to call my husband to let him know the fire trucks on the street were not for us, though they were in front of the house. He laughs! WHAT?!?!?! Then I called my mom, who talked me into taking pictures. I was SOOO scared that it was illegal that I took the first couple from behind out back gate. That is Jimmy's truck! See how close!!!

Fire was out by then so no cool flame pictures. Later I got brave enough to take a picture out front while the tow truck guy was cleaning everything up. I also got a picture of the cop car in front of our house. HAHA

Jake was interested in what was going on outside...

In the midst of all the action, and with the camera out... Jake and I decided we would take pictures of us since we haven't had any fun photo time. Here are a couple of those shots.

OH! On another note, I did finish the scrapbook frame of Jake for our wall! It turned out pretty good! YAY!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just another week...

Things have been pretty slow around here lately. Not too much to blog about. Last week was a long week... I don't know why, it just felt long. Jake and I had a play date with Jennifer, Jacob and Emily, Kerry and Andrea. It was a lot of fun. We ordered pizza and the babies played... sometimes crying in harmony. Saturday I went to Crystal's birthday party. As I was leaving, I kissed my boys good-bye and I swear as Jake was watching me leave, he said "Momma!" and started to cry. I HEARD IT! HAHA I'm sure everyone thinks I'm crazy... but it DID happen. He is a Momma's boy.

Anyway, at Crystal's party, I won the bubble gum blowing contest! WOOO!! Look at me!

The rest of the weekend was pretty low key. We didn't do too much. We got into the hot tub, and Jake LOVED it.

OH! There is one more slight update... I cut my hair! It is short, really short! I like it though. People keep asking what style I picked and it turns out they were all the same. Christan told me it was the same cut, just different styling... so I got them all. I'm a little shocked because it doesn't fit into a pony too well. DANG! HAHA

It's all good though. Until next time, have a good week!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Lately, I have been thinking about my life and my future and what I hope to get out of it, or things I just simply... want. So I decided to express them and just hope that it happens one day.

- a house that I COMPLETELY love, that I wouldn't want to move out of, that I could see myself growing old in with my hubby
- to take a trip to the Caribbean and Rome
- some sort of SUV so all my kids, James, myself and our dog can all jump in and go to the lake, the park, a baseball game

- to make a difference in someone's life and know that I made that difference
- to donate my hair one day to someone who needs it (I just need to get my hair to the length necessary without cutting it)
- to learn sign language fluently... and hopefully one day make a career out of knowing it
- to create or invent something, even if it is just something I will use

- to kiss my husband and my amazing little boy every day that I can and let them know how much I love them, more than just telling them
- to be able to stay home with each of my children for at least the first couple months
- James and myself to be able to play with our kids outside and make a fort or a lemonade stand or throw a baseball around
- my kids to be happy and healthy and know they will be forever loved and for Jimmy and I to be more in love as we grow up together

- to smile and laugh every single day of my life
- to be comfortable with myself, my body, my mind, my ideas, thoughts, fears
- to have no regrets
- the people who have made a difference in my life to know how special they are

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I need your help!!

So I know I just got a hair cut but I want to go shorter... so I've decided to ask for some help! Which cut do you think would look best on me? PLEASE help me out here. I have a couple pictures and would love your opinion... either by comment OR e-mail! Thanks!!!
Look 1

Look 2

Look 3

Look 4

Look 5

Look 6

Friday, March 6, 2009

Take me out to the ball game...

Cubbies vs. White Sox... that is the first major league baseball game Jake went to.

While it was only for spring training, it still was two major league teams battling it out! It was an amazing day, with perfect baseball weather. Jake didn't pay attention to the game too much, rather he took a nap and shared a sno-cone with me.

He actually got a little pissed when I took a bit and didn't give him some. Jimmy does have a slight problem... both Jake and I LOVE sweets. HAHA

Jake did get a small Cubbie's baseball bat and did like to try to eat it; soon I'm sure he will try to hit someone/thing with it. EEK!
But we had a fun day!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Best friends & sLiDeS

So after this post, I will finally be caught up on telling you all about the last two weeks. I have of course already broken my New Year's Resolution by updating my blog weekly... so now I will give myself a break and say "Hey! I've been busy!!" HAHA

This weekend was filled with so many fun things! I don't even know where to start. I guess just at the beginning.

Friday, Jake and I had lunch with Kerry, my best friend. I am so happy for her! She has found a boy that makes her happy! No more douche bags or losers for her, she is smitten with this guy who better be good to her. She deserves it. As she was telling me about him, I just keeping happier and happier for her. She knows now what it is to be in love! My best friend finally has gotten to that phase in a relationship where you want to be around someone and can talk about him non-stop! I really hope things work out perfectly for them. YAY!!!!! I recently had a conversation with my sister about friendship and how it isn't always peaches and cream. There are many ups and downs to friendships; really any relationship. Kerry and I have had our share. But those slides are what make you stronger. And I am glad now I get to be around when she goes through this part of her life like she was around when I found Jimmy. Oh, and lunch was pretty good too.

Recently... Forever ago...

That night, Jimmy, Jake and I went out to the race track here to have dinner with my Dad, Dawn Ann and their friends. Brock, Alicia and Atley were there also. We hung around the fire dancers, ate some good food and laughed about many things, including smiling Bob.

Atley spent the night with us that night and the next day we went to the park.

Jayden joined us at the park also. So there they were, three best friends- Jake, Atley and Jayden, playing on all the fun toys. Jake went down the slide with Daddy a couple times and swung on the swings then hung out with Nana Crystal, not much a 5 month old can do at the park.

Atley had Jimmy take her down the slides I'd say roughly 200 times! Just up the stairs and down the slide. She watched, but didn't participate when Jake was in the swing.

Jayden, the little mad man, ran around crazily, going down slides, climbing up bars, swinging away and eventually landed in the sand box where he and Atley played for about 30 minutes.

Jake decided he wanted to sleep during that time.

Scooping up the sand and dumping it in the buckets.

Then we decided we would feed the ducks. Saturday was a beautiful day here in Vegas, so everyone I think decided to head to that park. There was SOOOO much bread floating around the pond that our contribution didn't get eaten, but the kids had fun. That is all that mattered.

Sunday, Jimmy, Jake and I ran our errands. Jimmy picked up a new grill and I'm determined to learn how to use it. It really was a great weekend.