This weekend was filled with so many fun things! I don't even know where to start. I guess just at the beginning.
Friday, Jake and I had lunch with Kerry, my best friend. I am so happy for her! She has found a boy that makes her happy! No more douche bags or losers for her, she is smitten with this guy who better be good to her. She deserves it. As she was telling me about him, I just keeping happier and happier for her. She knows now what it is to be in love! My best friend finally has gotten to that phase in a relationship where you want to be around someone and can talk about him non-stop! I really hope things work out perfectly for them. YAY!!!!! I recently had a conversation with my sister about friendship and how it isn't always peaches and cream. There are many ups and downs to friendships; really any relationship. Kerry and I have had our share. But those slides are what make you stronger. And I am glad now I get to be around when she goes through this part of her life like she was around when I found Jimmy. Oh, and lunch was pretty good too.
That night, Jimmy, Jake and I went out to the race track here to have dinner with my Dad, Dawn Ann and their friends. Brock, Alicia and Atley were there also. We hung around the fire dancers, ate some good food and laughed about many things, including smiling Bob.

Atley spent the night with us that night and the next day we went to the park.

Atley spent the night with us that night and the next day we went to the park.
Jayden joined us at the park also. So there they were, three best friends- Jake, Atley and Jayden, playing on all the fun toys. Jake went down the slide with Daddy a couple times and swung on the swings then hung out with Nana Crystal, not much a 5 month old can do at the park.

Atley had Jimmy take her down the slides I'd say roughly 200 times! Just up the stairs and down the slide. She watched, but didn't participate when Jake was in the swing.
Jayden, the little mad man, ran around crazily, going down slides, climbing up bars, swinging away and eventually landed in the sand box where he and Atley played for about 30 minutes.
Scooping up the sand and dumping it in the buckets.
Then we decided we would feed the ducks. Saturday was a beautiful day here in Vegas, so everyone I think decided to head to that park. There was SOOOO much bread floating around the pond that our contribution didn't get eaten, but the kids had fun. That is all that mattered.
Sunday, Jimmy, Jake and I ran our errands. Jimmy picked up a new grill and I'm determined to learn how to use it. It really was a great weekend.
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