UPDATE TIME!!! It's a little long... sorry.
Not too many things have been going on... or so I thought until I realized I haven't updated anyone for a while. So backing up a few days (actually almost a week)...
Thursday, Stephanie called and wanted to get together. So we took the boys to this cute little place called Gillcrease. They have all sorts of animals and I never even knew this was in town! It's pretty exciting to find fun family things in Vegas. HAHA Anyway, after trying to find the place for 20 minutes (we made a U-turn right in front of the place HAHA) we paid and started walking around. Jake took a quick snooze in the truck so he wasn't all the excited at first and just chilled in his stroller.
There were SOOO many birds there- parrots, peacock, pigeons (don't know why?!?), ducks, swans...
We went over to the goat exhibit where you can buy some grain and feed them, but because there was poop everywhere, Jake and I stayed out of the area and let Jayden and Stephanie venture in, and they almost got ran over by all the goats.
We then were able to feed the ducks some peanuts that we bought.
We saw some turtles and then headed over to the llama and donkey area.
Jake and I got there first and as I was trying to feed a llama a peanut, a donkey started hee-hawing SOOO loud. It's startled me a little and scared the ba-geezus out of Jake, who then started screaming back.
Stephanie and Jayden came over and we all made sure the each donkey and llama got a peanut. It was a fun day.

Friday was pretty low key. Jake and I went to have lunch with Kerry and we all did a little shopping. Then Saturday, the family went shopping (again)! We went over to Kohl's and I got a couple shirts! Buying clothes always puts me in a good mood. Jimmy got some things too, and Jake! Then, Crystal watched Jake while Jimmy and I went to get some drinks with a couple of my friends. Sunday, Jake and I ventured over to Michael's for me to grab some materials to start some crafts while Jimmy got a hair cut. I will have pictures of my crafts up soooooon!
And finally, yesterday, Jake and I went to have lunch with my aunt. It was great to see her. She told me Jake was probably old enough for those biter biscuits so last night he got one! He is growing up WAY too fast. Look at him go! He didn't eat it all (daddy finished it off) but he did enjoy the treat.
Well that's all that is going on in our lives. I hope everyone is well and see ya next time!
Fun times! Isn't it fun when they can start doing those biter biscuits? I love that age.