On top of all that, Jake and I also started our classes we are taking at the rec center. Last week I started Zumba. It's a lot different than I expected and I am the youngest in my class, but I have a lot of fun. Jake started Mommy and Me dance class last week too. It did not go so well. He was so shy and did NOT want to participate or leave my side. But today, we had another class and though he was not completely involved, he did a lot more than last week.
I have also been doing pretty well on weight watchers. In 4 weeks, I have almost lost 10 pounds. YAY! Still working out and running like crazy so I'm hoping by the summer, I will be down a couple sizes. Also, on May 1st, I am running a 5k for breast cancer with (hopefully) my sister and some friends.
We really have been on the go these last couple of weeks. And the weeks to come are not seeming to get any slower. This month we have a concert, monster trucks, park days and classes. And before we know it, Easter will be here. And we are hoping for a great Easter with some family, my mom, step dad and sister, coming to town. So excited!
Through all the hectic-ness going on in our lives, Jake has been growing up so fast! He is talking a lot more and just getting smarter every day. I cannot believe at the end of this month, he will be 18 months! Where did my baby go?

I had to put this picture up, because it is one of my faves! He's so cute! And (for the most part) well behaved and ALWAYS fun!
So that's an update on us right now. And many more updates of the events that I previous mentioned on the posts below. Sorry if you really wanted a craft, but maybe if you ask nicely, I'll still make you one! But maybe not a bean bag chair... sorry Kerry! That might have to wait for a little bit. HAHA
Well, until next time. Have a good one! And LOVE to all! I really have no idea who reads my blog, but if you are one that does. I'm sorry it took so long to write on here, but we really do love you! :)
Aw it looks like you guys have been having so much fun! I am incredibly jealous of you going to the lake, it's FREEZING here! And how did you like the Zumba? I've heard so much about it and I think I want to try it out sometime...