Saturday, March 13, 2010

Got my toes in the water...

Tonight is going to be one fun night! Three girlfriends and I AND all our loves are going to see Zac Brown Band!

Yes, I talked Jimmy into going with me. Such a sweet hubby I have. I know he is not looking forward to it, BUT maybe he will actually enjoy himself. Extreme wishful thinking huh? HAHA

We are getting a sweet ride!

And before the concert will have some delicious drinks. Lets just hope they look this pretty.

And the concert will be made even better by the great company! Sadly, I do not have a picture of all 4 of us girls together, so tonight that will change! YAY!

So while I'm singing my little heart out to "Chicken Fried" and "Toes" I hope you are having as much fun with people who are just as awesome as my friends.

And until next time, remember "Life is good today"!

1 comment:

  1. :) Super excited! We are going to have a blast! Such sweet friends and men we have! <3
