Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 weeks later...

I have been MIA, I know. But I'm back now with a super long post. Happy? HAHA

Last week, Jimmy, Jake and I met Autumn at the Wrangler's hockey game to watch Mike's first game back. Jake LOVED it! He danced a ton to the music, loved to watch the guys skate and just had a blast.
Here's Jimmy and Jake playing "chuck-a-puck" and they almost won!!!

Me and Jake playing with thunder sticks

Jake meeting The Duck. He didn't really like him at first, then started to pet him. HAHA

Autumn, Mike and Jake after the game.

Players... Might be Mike, but not 100% sure

Last weekend, Jake and I headed up to Utah to see my dad and step mom. It was so fun and nice to get away and have a mini-vacation. Saturday we went to Springdale for some lunch then went to a park to get some pictures.
Here's Randy, Robyn, Kaylee and Harper

Jake and my dad on the bridge

Jake looking at the water on the bridge. Yes, I went on the bridge too... and I HATED every second!

Jake checkin' out Harper

Me, Jake and Kaylee

My dad and step mom

Jake FINALLY looking up at my to take a picture. He was fascinated with the leaves.

Jake and my dad playing

After the park, we headed to an apple orchard and picked apples. It was a LOT of fun! Here are a few pictures...
Jake examining his apple. He did get to eat one and it took him about an hour and still it wasn't gone. He was playing during that time too but still! Hilarious though to see him bite into it.

Jake and my dad looking for some apples
Such a good weekend.

And in other news. Here are some pretty funny pictures that I just wanted to throw in here because they are hilarious.
Friday night we were putting away Halloween (I know! Almost 2 week later HAHA) and as I was wrapping stuff, I heard Jimmy say "What are you doing?" When I looked over, Jake was standing on one of the boxes! HILARIOUS! Now, don't think we are bad parents because he has no pants and only one sock AND standing on a box... we were right there and he took his own sock off. As for the pants, he ran after a diaper change. I did let him stand on the box until Jimmy got the camera and took a couple shots. Then I got him down and we watched as he tried to do it again, then put the box away. He's crazy!
Jake was eating a sucker from Halloween and it turned his lips BLUE!!! These are just cute pictures so I wanted to show them off. Sooo cute and looking a little like... a rockstar! HAHA
Well there ya go. Some updates on our life! FINALLY!!!! I will try not to slack anymore but I can't guarantee that. Oh! Jimmy and I also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary last Wednesday! I got some gorgeous flowers and last night we went to dinner and to see "So You Think You Can Dance" tour. Amazing! BUT sadly, not pictures.
So until next time, have a good one!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy Halloween!

I cannot believe Halloween is over and it is November! BUT it was a great Halloween and we had a blast. Here are just a ton of pictures.
The day before Halloween we had a pumpkin carving/ poker get together.

Stephanie carving a pumpkin

Jennifer carving her pumpkin
Then it was HALLOWEEN!!!!! I love this holiday!

Jake getting ready to knock at his first house.

LOVE this picture. He looks so small

Pop Pop answered the door and got a little scared I think HAHA

Jake's treats!

Jake and Jayden with PopPop

Stephanie, Justin and Jayden as Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and baby Frank

Jake in on the fun!

2nd house! Grandparents Belangers

Visiting Nana at work

My vampire pumpkin I carved for Jake

My other pumpkin. I loved it. HAHA

Our front door. HAHA

Our kiddos... dressed up. Patch has a cape on too

Jake wanting MORE candy. HAHA


Jake's scary faces HAHAHA

Jake waiting for trick or treaters

Momma and her boy

My handsome boys. LOVE this picture

Slide time!

Had to take the cape off... he looked like a black-jack dealer or magician without it HAHA

Playing with Jake's new light

And reading his Halloween book.

Such a fun time! Hope you enjoyed.
Until next time, have a good one!!!