Saturday, November 6, 2010


Today, I'm in a dream-mode. And pregnancy hormones are going a little wacky. Gotta love them. haha

Pregnant women should:
- Get to eat ice cream whenever they want without any judgments
- Get a massage, foot rub, back tickle upon request
- Take a nap every day
- Be told how sexy/beautiful they are, especially near the end
- Not be expected to clean, though the nesting period is still okay.
- Get to have a couple unnecessary freak outs without question
- Be able to cry during a commercial, movie, show, song, book, blog, etc without having someone thinking they need to be committed
- Be spoiled a little more than usual
- Be able to sleep any way she can/wants *Dang forbidding belly AND back sleeping!
- Not have to deal with any additional unnecessary stress
- Have a very easy pregnancy so they can thoroughly enjoy it

If you can think of more OR I think of more, I will post them as an update. :) It was fun to come up with these. Now don't get me wrong. I am pretty spoiled during my pregnancy and I do LOVE being pregnant. There are just some things I wish all women who were pregnant got to have or experience during that time.

1 comment:

  1. I think you pretty much got it all there! I would say, if it were at all possible, to be able to eat like a horse and still only gain the 25-35 pounds that you should gain during pregnancy. This mama gains over 50....not so fun to lose afterwards.
