Monday, February 1, 2010

This, that and the other...

So I'm trying something new... for a couple weeks. I joined weight watchers. Been on it for 2 days and I think it's actually been going okay. It's a little harder than I thought and really helps open my eyes to watch what I eat and the crap I have been eating. But since mid-January, Jimmy and I had been eating better anyway, so this is just an extra boost to help. I know I won't drop 20 pounds in a month and I'm okay with that! It didn't just jump on my body over night, those 20 pounds came on gradually and will come off gradually.

Also, in my workout I started to run 2 minutes (walking 5 for a total of 21 mins) and that was a little hard. BUT I am doing it. Not giving up! Fingers are crossed that it gets better.

This week is sign-ups for Jake's classes and I cannot wait! I'm so excited to start them with him! Oh! Last Monday, we started to watch a sign language video that my mom bought Jake for Christmas and he already knows 5 new signs! He picked them up SOOO fast! I was amazed! He's so smart.

Lately, he has been crazy about playing Wii with Jimmy! Which, I have to admit, I like. It gives me a break from him and gives him "guy time". HAHA I will take a video. It's HILARIOUS!

Well anyway, that's all for now. Just wanted to go a quick update. Until next time, have a good one!


  1. YAY for mommy and Jake classes! I'm so excited to hear about ALL the new things! :)

    and running will get better ! day by day.

    keep up the great work!

  2. I'm excited that you started Weight Watchers! It TOTALLY works! The first couple of weeks are hard until you get used to it. Let me know how it goes!

  3. Hope your eyes are better now. Good Luck with WW & working out, am sure you will budge those lbs. The classes will do you both good too. :0)
