Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gotta love the water

I love this time of year! The weather is so nice (usually) and that means it is a great time for boating! We went on our first trip of the year this past Sunday.
Jake's first time on a boat! He looked so cute in his life jacket.

Once we started going, Jake was a little nervous at first and wasn't crazy with the wind blowing in his face. But soon, he was able to relax. Jimmy's mom, Crystal, came with us and Jake laid on her, enjoying the ride...

he was so relaxed, he even had his feet crossed!

We drove around for a while, stopped and took a little dip (Crystal and I didn't go all the way in). Jimmy jumped into the water (only 59 degrees!). We took some pictures then drove around some more when Jake fell asleep on me.
(eek!! me without make-up)
I don't know how with all that noise and movement. But he must have had a good time and a long day because on the way home... there he was again, sleeping.

It was such a blast and I can't wait for the thousands other trips we will make on our boat.


  1. He looks totally adorable in the lifejacket & that hat! All that fresh air does it every time...... sends me to sleep too! LOL :0)

  2. you son is SOOOOO effin cute! I love his FACE!
