Thursday, July 9, 2009

A day in the life of...

I saw this on another blog and thought it would be fun to do. Granted this is not a typical day for Jake and I, I thought this day would be exciting to blog about.
Jake and I woke up... (okay, this really isn't us but you get the idea)

Got ready...

Drove to Stephanie's so she could watch Jake...

Then I headed to the airport.

After getting through security, I picked up a treat for our guest...

Here is the plane she is in!!!!!!!

And Maddie arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After we picked up Jake, we met Jimmy for lunch. (he didn't wanted his picture taken HA)

That night, we went to a jubilee.

There was music...
Jake and I danced...

We got sno-cones...

Hung out on the grass...

And watched Fireworks.
Jake could not stop watching them! He loved it.
Such a great day!

1 comment:

  1. More great pics & looks like you're having lots of fun. Enjoy the rest of the visit. :0)
