Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What now??

It has been a month since I have started my weight loss whatever. So far I have lost 5 pounds. Pretty good I think. The last week or so though I have not been very good. Eating out a lot, not working out daily... just being burned out a little. I have still been pretty good with my soda, with the exception of one or two big cokes here and there. BUT that means that is the only soda I have for the day. So as far as working out, I need to get back into the swing of things with an every day work out. I am happy with my progress so far though.

I haven't really updated recently. SO I guess that is what this blog will be about. Jake has been teething like crazy and last week was the toughest yet! He ran a fever for 3 days off and on, only wanted to be held, didn't eat and would fall asleep anywhere. One morning it was while we were playing around on my lap.

Another time was in his jumperoo! Such a precious baby!

Monday, he went to the doctor for his 9 month check up. He currently weighs 21lbs6oz which is 50-75 percentile and is 29 inches long which is 75-90 percentile! He had low iron but otherwise he is in good health! And has been doing so many new things!

As I have mentioned before, Brody is staying with us. He and Patches have quickly become BFFs.. case and point.

And Brody LOVES Jimmy. Snuggles right up to him! Another case and point...

He is really starting to come around and play with us. He's been such a good little guy.
On another post, I blogged about the morning of Father's Day. After my blog, we actually went out and had more fun as a family! We went to Bass Pro Shop and looked around.

There are these huge fish tanks with the fish from Lake Mead that we took pictures in front of.

Then the boys did the shooting game.

Look at my baby aim and shoot!

Jake also got to see the mermaid and all the beautiful fish in the salt water aquarium!

Dinner was at Buffalo Wild Wings where I got happy with Jimmy's camera phone (We forgot the camera so all the pictures didn't turn out too well).

Then Jimmy and I played The Office game he got. Patches joined in too! HAHA

It was a fun time! And that pretty much sums up what we have been up too.


  1. Adrie you look great! It sucks when you get burned out on working out! The only way I stay with it is to change it up each week. Just try something different than you've been doing, even if it's only for a few days.
    And teething sucks too!! It can be totally horrible when they're fussy and won't eat. Wish I knew a trick for that!

  2. Enjoyed my catch up. Poor Baby - hope the rest of his teeth come through easier, Bless him. WTG on the weight loss, you've done great. Loved seeing the vids & pics - your wee one is a sweetheart & it's great to hear him giggle. :0)
