Wednesday, August 12, 2009

He did what??

This is going to be a rather full post... mainly because I have a couple videos to go with it.

Today was a good day. Today Jake took his first steps!!!!!!!!! It was great. Jimmy was playing with Jake and was trying to get him to walk and he did!

I got just a short video but after this, he took at least 3 steps at a time. It was AWESOME! YAY!

Then, the other night Jake was extremely hyper before bed. He was on the couch and just jumping back and forth going crazy. It was hilarious! I got a video of that too!

And another video. HAHA Jake is barking at the dogs who are outside. You have to really pay attention, but he does bark! (don't mind the dogs going to the bathroom, LOL)

Finally, thank you all for your advice. I am doing my best to not escalate the situation and I think I'm doing pretty well. Tonight, Jake ate excellent, even some of his fruits and veggies!

And a shout out to Karan, HI Karan!!! :) Just wanted to let you all know, I will be posting pictures of the projects I am doing for Jake's birthday... but it won't be until Jake's birthday as I don't want to ruin the surprise. Besides my husband and myself, there is one other person who knows what the decorations are going to be (I think?!?!! HAHA) and I have to swear her to secrecy. I want it to be a big surprise. I finished one project today and I'm very happy with how it turned out. :)

Well hope you enjoyed the videos. I know there are a ton. HAHA


  1. hahah i think i know who that is.... meeee!!!!! ily!

  2. WTG Jake! There'll be no holding him now, you know that don't you? Time to start putting everything on high shelves! LOL
    And HI back. :0) Looking forward to seeing all the pics. :0)
