Saturday, September 5, 2009

What else could I do?!?

Hi! It's me again. Who else would it be right? HAHA Well I have been thinking about all the things we have going on for the rest of the year and I don't know if I will make it. Just kidding... but seriously, we are going to be crazy for the next couple months to finish out our year. Take a look at what we have going on...

- Nickelback concert
- Grandparent's Day
- Jimmy going out of town
- Mom's surgery
- Me going out of town (hopefully)
- Jake's Birthday
- The big First Birthday party
- Dad's b-day
- Papa's b-day
- Twins' 1st b-day
- Halloween (still have to make the costume)
- Anniversary
- Thanksgiving
- My birthday
- Christmas
- New Years

And in there we will be visiting family, shopping for Christmas, and I'm sure a million other things. Those are just the highlights of what we have going on! Goodness... we are some busy people.

On a much more exciting note, Jake is walking so well. Every day he gets better. Last night he walked from the living room to the kitchen all by himself without falling! I'm so proud of him. I'm hoping by his birthday, he will be mainly walking and no more crawling. I tried putting shoes on him yesterday at the park, but that didn't go over so well. They were sandals and kept slipping off. HAHA Funny stuff. I will try to get a new video of him up soon.

Well just wanted to jot down a quick hello and update to all my followers. So until next time, have a great day!!


  1. Whew! I know exactly how you feel! I think I have a very similiar list somewhere on my blog!

    I'm grateful to have things going on, but a relaxing weekend would be nice. :)

    Good job on Jakeys BIG steps!

  2. Enjoyed my catch up. WTG Jake, sounds like he'll be keeping you very busy keeping up with him soon. :0)
    Looks & sounds like you had a great trip too - it's good to have time as a couple. It is a wrench leaving the little one but it will do him good too. My DS loved going to ho grandparents - they spoilt him rotten! LOL
    Have fun with all those plans.... & don't forget to grab a little "me time" in there too. :0)
