Saturday, March 6, 2010

Marriage Ref

There is a new show on by Jerry Seinfeld called "The Marriage Ref". I LOVE this show. It's hilarious and really opens your eyes up about marriage that much more. They don't tackle tough marital problems, but silly little spats couples have.

On the first episode, the host said he has friends who aren't married because they are waiting for their "soul mate" and explained there is no such thing and to just marry someone who you can tolerate for more than a day. I have to agree with this! While I do NOT believe people should settle, I think when people start looking for far too much in a marriage, it is doomed. Marriage is tough enough then trying to add insane expectations... come on!

But really, I recommend this show. It's help me appreciate my husband so much more. I know we are not "soul mates" (but I do believe people who are married for a LOOOOONG time can become soul mates) but we love, respect and can tease and play with each other. We try to keep it simple, as the Marriage Ref would say. So here's to keeping your marriage simple! Don't add to or enter into a marriage with complicated BS or ridiculous fantasies. Believe me, movie fairy tales are NOT real! But love, respect and fun with your spouse can be real.

Well until next time, have a good one and go check out this show! :)


  1. I LOVE that show too! We got a kick out of it. I loved the stuffed dog episode and the quote, "People in hell want ice water but they don't get it". Ha!

  2. What!? I totally believe in Soul Mates! haha.

    The show cracks me up. Especially the most recent episode where the lady couldn't even fathom the idea that her husband couldn't put together that "do it yourself patio". hahah!

  3. ALSO- unrelated:I think you need to make a new banner for your header. Jake looks SO different now! haha :)

  4. Don't get that show here in the UK but it sounds like he talks a lot of sense. Sounds like you'll do OK, too, with such a sensible outlook. :0)
    Enjoyed my catch up, seeing all the fun things you all get up to. Great pics too. :0)
